Wednesday 6 July 2011

Buh-Bye Blogger!

I have officially finished transferring all of my old posts to my new blog!  It was painstaking, and if you look under July 6th you will see about 80 posts, all with the original published date included in the actual post.

So, this is my last post on Maier Musings, and the official launch of my new blog

Sunny Side Up

It can be found by clicking the link above, or by going to

Thanks for visiting, and I hope to see you at the new site!  For those of you who have me on their blogreel, remember to switch it up!


There are going to be some changes coming on my blog soon.  I have been considering moving to wordpress for a while now because so many of you have emailed me with frustration that the comments don't work unless you have a blog.  The final straw happened yesterday when I tried to reply on a comment and it wouldn't let me!  On my own blog!  Annoying.

Anyway, I started setting it up yesterday, and it is slow going because I am not familiar with the platform, and it is not quite as user friendly as blogger is.  Regardless, I am going to plug ahead!

On a random positive note, Abby and I are both sporting pretty wicked colds that leave our faces looking like glazed donuts if we don't have kleenex handy.  I actually fell asleep with a kleenex in my hand last night.  She stood up and started squawking woke up peacefully this morning at 5:55 (what???) and then was back up before Ty left for work, so he brought her into bed with me...where we promptly fell asleep and woke up after 9:00.  Score.

Anyway, back to the grind of getting the new blog format up!

Tuesday 5 July 2011

2 tickets to Paradise

Ok, so it was 3, but that title sounds so much better!  Here is a little summary of our trip to Pratt Lake.

On Wednesday night, we hit the road around 6 pm.  It is an 8 hour drive, so we really weren't sure what Abrielle would think of being strapped into a car seat for that long.  She thought it was great to have company (me) in the backseat with her, until it was time to have a nap and then she wanted me to hold her.  Eventually, I just turned and ignored her for a few minutes and she fell asleep straight away.  Score.  She managed to sleep for the majority of the ride there, and we only stopped once for fuel.   We arrived at the cabin at around 2:15 in the morning, and for some stupid reason we stayed up until 4:30 in the morning chatting with Ryan and Andrea who had arrived a few hours before.

And we're off!
The kitchen

Our accommodations were in the loft

Living room

The next day everyone (including the Porters, who actually own the cabin!) arrived, and we got everyone unpacked, food put away, and settled and then it was time to catch some sun.  The weather was amazing, and before long we had the volleyball court raked, the net set up, and it was time for a game.  Initially, I didn't want to play because a) I haven't played since junior high and b) I needed to look after Abby.  Eventually it was decided that GG would watch Abbers and I was in on the court.  Turns out I have not a half bad serve!  Kelly and I almost killed each other a few times, but we left unscathed.

A tradition there after volleyball, since everyone is so sweaty and sandy is to have a lake bath.  Basically, everyone piles on the boat with their bathing suit and shampoo, we drive to the middle, and everyone jumps in and gets clean.  So cold, but so much fun!  The one time I went out though, when we stopped the bilge wouldn't work and the motor wouldn't fire and we started taking on water and had to contemplate swimming for shore.  Luckily, Dave got 'er started and we made it back safe and sound.
Fresh and clean!

On the first night, akin to Harry Potter, there is a sorting into teams.  There are two themes at the Porter cabin:  Bears and Pirates.  The teams are divided into Grizzlies (Dave's team), Care bears (Sherry's team) and Polars (Shirley's team).  There is a rotating schedule of cooking, cleaning the cabin, and yard work and the teams work together to get it done quickly and in a way that no one is working too much or not at all.  It's a great system.  I was a Griz this year.

The next few days were spent mostly in the same fashion: Wake up, grab something to eat, catch  some sun, have a second breakfast, play volley ball, hang out in the hot tub, chill on the porch, beer pong, night time fires, too much alcohol, too much food and many inside jokes that made us roar with laughter EVERY time.  We had crazy hat night (a Porter tradition), Tate's birthday and some Canada day fireworks.  When Monday morning rolled around we were really sad to say goodbye and not really looking forward to another 8 hour drive.
Game on!

Sunning that little body

beer pong!

The Maier's representing on Crazy Hat night

Hot tub time!

Kelly and I sat in the back this time and Abby had no problem with napping when she was tired.  Other than a little bit of construction, it was a smooth ride home and we arrived back at a decent hour.  Even though I had changed her half way through the drive, when we got home we discovered that Abby had peed through her diaper, clothes and car seat.  Oops.

Sleeping beauties

Today is that awful post-vacation day that will be busy with errands, laundry, grocery shopping and catching up on everything that happened while we were away.  It was such an amazing vacation though, I wouldn't trade it for anything!

Monday 4 July 2011


After an 8 hour drive, we are home again safe and sound!  It was an amazing trip full of sun, sand, sunscreen, too much booze, too much food and way too much fun!  I laughed until I cried on more than one occassion, had my first lake bath, and may or may not have demonstrated my ability to put my entire fist in my mouth.  Twice.

More details (and pictures!) to come tomorrow!