Friday 20 May 2011

Daddy's Girl

Thick as Thieves

Abrielle and I have our whole days together.  They start peacefully and quietly, generally in the near dark of the morning, with a quick feed around 6:30 or 7:00.  Around 8:00 or 8:30 we face the day head on with bright eyes and a new diaper.  We have a comfortable routine during the day peppered with cuddles, giggles, sleepy eyes, happy shrieks and the occasional whine.  I'm all she could ever want or need.

Until her father comes home.

Yep, around 3:45 every afternoon, Abrielle becomes a complete and utter traitor.  She knows the sound of the door opening. She squiggles and squirms and does all sorts of gymnastics so that she can have a better view of the entryway.  As soon as she sees her Daddy it is big sunny smiles (from what I can tell, staring at the back of her head and all), and the most treasonous of new moves in her repertoire...she holds her arms out for him to pick her upEven if I am already holding her.

The nerve!  She never holds her arms out for me!

Ok, I get it.  She has an amazing Daddy.  She's got a guy who is willing to drop everything at the front door after a long day, when all he really wants to do is sit down and relax, and pick her up and toss her in the air. 

And blow raspberries on her belly

And talk to her in a silly high pitched voice

And let her paw his face with those little hands

And ask her about her day (as though she had a taxing day at the office and might need to vent)

And look at her with such love that you would think they had been separated for weeks.

I'm not trying to sound put upon, because I know it is a good thing that she demands wants her Daddy.  If he got home and she wanted nothing to do with him, that would be hard on both of us. I am lucky that she doesn't have to be attached to Mama every minute of the day.

But a little acknowledgement would be nice!

After all, I do take care of her all day.  That's not a chore or a hard task, but it is a fact.  I roast and puree baby food.  I change diapers.  I change outfits.  I bathe her.  I cuddle her, sing to her, read to her and nurse her.  I kiss her chubby cheeks and give her extra cuddles when she is sleepy so that I can breathe in that sweet baby smell another time.  Shouldn't she still want me?

Since my back is still not 100%, Ty has taken over a lot of duties once he gets home.  Last night I had taken a pill in the evening and couldn't nurse her, so my sweet hubby bathed, jammied, bottled and put Abby to bed.  He brought her out for a kiss goodnight, but that was it.

Shouldn't I be happy to have gotten the break? I just feels strange to not be doing that stuff.  I know I am lucky to have such a great husband who can swoop in and make it all look effortless.  I just wish that even once or twice she would look at me and hold her arms up when he is home.

I guess I will just have to settle for her undivided attention all day, and sit back and see the beauty in the two loves of my life loving each other like crazy.

Tyler and Abby reuniting after we had been away in Okotoks for the day.

Kisses from Daddy

Ty's absolute favourite thing to do with Abby

Loving his baby, sight unseen


  1. I gotta tell ya, I looove your blog. This entry was so cute. Am I creepy or what?? haha. Keep em' coming anyway.
    Kristin Middleton

  2. Thanks Kristin! So not creepy...I am the one who is putting it out there. XOXO
