Saturday 21 May 2011

Happy Girl

"Oh watch me go
  I'm a happy girl
 Everybody knows
 That the sweetest thing you'll ever see
 In the whole wide world
 Is a happy girl"

getting some work done in her "office"

If the world happens to end today, I had a good go at it, and a wonderful morning with this little monkey.  I always describe Abby as a happy baby, and friends always comment back the exact same...that she is just so happy all the time.

Now, she has her moments where she uses her mutant lungs for evil instead of good, but for the most part the soundtrack of my day is happy shrieks, squeals, "ya ya ya ya yas" and bubble blowing noises.  She delights in so many things and shows her happiness physically (as you can see above!).  She is a body in constant motion.

I often wonder if her joyful personality is due to amazing parenting (ha ha) or is just innate within her.  She started smiling around 6 or 7 weeks (too lazy to pull out the baby calendar) and hasn't looked back.  She treats everyone to the big sunny smile and we attract a lot of strangers that way. 

As an aside, I really think that it is a beautiful thing what a baby does for society.  Abby is a stranger magnet, and I have had so many conversations in elevators, airplanes, stores and coffee shops because of her.  Normally, strangers at best make awkward eye contact and a shy smile, maybe a polite hello.  Because of this beautiful child, I have been privy to some intimate moments and details of the lives of people who I had never met before.  Having a baby with you, especially one who waves at and mugs for strangers really breaks down a lot of social barriers that never really should exist in society anyway. 

Back to before though, what makes her so happy?  Do we make her happy with the food we feed her, the cadence of our voices, the toys we give her, the way we tickle her tummy?  Or is she happy because she has (virtually) no wants in life? 

When she was really little my mom use to always comment on what a good baby she is (OK, she still comments on that a lot, but I think we are all getting use to the fact that she is an easy little one) and then follow that comment up with "but what does she have to complain about?".  It's true though, Abrielle is a lucky, lucky, lucky baby.

She has two parents in a stable household

She was wanted before she was conceived, and loved from the very moment the second line appeared on the pregnancy test

She has been spoiled since approximately 14 weeks in utero by friends and family.

She has two sets of grandparents who live very close and who lavish love and attention on her

She has awesome Aunts and Uncles, including  Auntie, Uncle, and 3 amazing "cuzzies" who live close and love and dote on her

She has many honorary Aunties and Uncles who cuddle, kiss, tickle and love her.  I have many friends who have given her many bottles when we would be out and about (I use to not bottle her formula in fear she would get confused..crazy mom). 

She has food in her belly, a warm place to sleep, and toys to keep her stimulated.

She has room to explore, grow, get bumps, get into trouble, and roll around.

What more could a baby want?

A theory just came to me.  They say that babies learn to smile by watching their parents smile.  Maybe the reason that Abbers is so happy is because she makes us so happy?

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