Wednesday 29 June 2011

Paradise (almost) Lost

Today is the day!  We are heading out on an almost 8 hour journey to Pratt Lake, Sk for 5 days, and I can't wait.  Pratt Lake is paradise, our friends who host us are fantastic, and it is just such a relaxing vacation.  I have a few things left to do today before we head out, but last night our plans almost came to a screeching halt.

I was lying in bed reading last night when I heard Abby give a little cough, which I thought nothing of.  Then she gave a choky cough that was enough to make me jump out of bed and rush to her room, where she was laying on her back vomiting.

Remember all those times where I have marvelled at how much she can eat?  Well, I was able to gauge he stomach contents quite well last night.  Ty was a trooper and came up from watching a movie to grab all of her laundry while I gave her a bath.  Puke was EVERYWHERE on her...on her body, under her chin, in her ear, in her hair...ick.  I didn't want to nurse her in case it was gastro, so I gave her a bottle of water and settled her back in bed...and pro ceded to head back into that room every hour until 5:30, and sleep with the baby monitor on even though our rooms are side by side.

As worried as I was about her, I was also worried our travel plans would be affected.  Isn't that selfish?  I can't help it though, I am so looking forward to going and showing Abby all of the cool things there!  Tyler and I were talking about how excited we are to put her in the sand and let her explore.

She seems to be on the mend this morning, so we are crossing our fingers that all is well.  I wont be posting for about a week, so I will see you back then!

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Eggplant recipe overload!

My friend Bev asked for some eggplant recipes, so I thought I would share a few that my family likes.  First though, a tip regarding selecting eggplants.  The smaller, the less bitter they are.  If you buy a big ol' eggplant, chop it up and throw it into a stir fry or sauce, it is going to be GROSS.  For recipes like that, select Japanese (baby) eggplant.

OK, so you have a big ass eggplant...what to do?  Here are my three favourites:

Katie's F'ed Up Healthy Sh!t Dip

So named by my brother in law who loves this dip, but actually hates every single ingredient in it.  Hence the F'ed up part!  You can also use this as a sauce for pasta or rice.


1 large eggplant
1 red pepper
2 zucchinis
3 tomatoes
1 head garlic
1 handful parsley
1 red onion
2 tbsp ketchup
salt and pepper to taste

Rough chop eggplant, pepper, onion, tomato and zucchini  and place on cookie sheet.  Add cloves of garlic, and drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper.  Roast at 400 degrees for about 45 minutes.

Allow to cool slightly and then pulse in a food processor until very lumpy, but mixed.  Add a handful of parsley and 2 tbsp ketchup, continue to puree to a grainy texture.  Best served warm.

Eggplant Lasagna (Vegan..feel free to add cheese)

4-5 Japanese eggplant
2 cans tomato sauce
1 red pepper
1 green pepper
3 handfuls spinach
olive oil
1 onion
1 handful mushroom

On a mandolin, or using a very sharp knife, slice eggplant as thin as possible to make "noodles"
Boil eggplant until soft
Sautee remaining veggies in olive oil until semi-soft, add spinach and allow to wilt.
Layer eggplant noodles, sauce and veggies into a lasagna, bake at 325 degrees for about 45 minutes.

Eggplant Parmigiana

1 large eggplant
1 cup soy milk
1 can crushed tomato
1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup cornmeal
olive oil
1 green pepper
1 zucchini
1 onion
1 handful mushrooms
1 tbsp Italian seasoning

Sautee onion, mushroom, green pepper, and zucchini (all diced) until soft, and then add can of crushed tomato and Italian seasoning.  Allow to simmer.
Slice eggplant thinly and allow to soak in soy milk as you preheat a skillet with olive oil about 1 inch deep.
Combine flour and cornmeal and dredge eggplant slices, fry 2-3 at a time until crispy and golden.  Serve immediately with marinara sauce made above, and enjoy!

Le Suck

That is my description of teething.  Le suck.

After my last post about teething, things calmed right down and Abrielle went back to being her normal, cheerful, giggly self.  She went back to being able to play independently without needing me by her side every minute of the day.

Yesterday, she had 2 solid 2.5 hour naps and was nodding off again at 6 pm.  We managed to keep her up until closer to 8 and she went down like a champ as she normally does.  So, you can understand my confusion starting around 1 am when I heard noises coming from her room.  I honestly didn't understand what I was waking up to at first, and then I clued in that she was crying.  I went in, thinking I would just pop a soother into her sleepy mouth and then we would be done with it.


She was on all fours and looking up at me with tears and snot streaming down her little face.  My poor babes :-(  So, we had a cuddle and eventually she went back to sleep.  I went back to bed thinking how strange that was that she had woken up, but chalked it up to her excessive napping.

2 am, same drill, only this time I fed her and gave her some Tylenol.

3 am...up again

4 am....once again

5 for another cuddle, I tried feeding her again and this time gave her some advil because she was warm.  Around 5:20 I finally texted my gym buddy and said I would either be late or a no show.  Sadly, I wa a no show, as I eventually gave up and brought her in to bed with me.  She was so exhausted that she just curled her hot little body into mine and drifted off.  We slept in until about 8 thankfully.

I know that there is probably not a lot of sympathy out there, as my baby has slept at least 7 hour stretches since she was a week old, and now does 12 hours at a clip, but here is the deal.  We don't do this in my house.  Everyone sleeps through the night, no exceptions. I am not use to getting up throughout the night and it really throws me and rearranges my plans.  I have a lot of things to do today before we head out to Pratt Lake (aka Paradise) tomorrow, and I need my baby back so that I can do it!  We'll cross our fingers that my little miss perks up and feels better.

Monday 27 June 2011

Edge of Glory

Last week it was really hard for me to get up early and go to the gym without my gym buddy.  So this morning, even though I hit snooze one extra time, I was ready to get up and go! I just felt ready to shake off the cranky that I went to bed with last night.

What better way than to get in my car and hear The Edge of Glory playing?  I don't know what it is about this song, but it forces me to turn up the radio, pretend I am an amazing singer and absolutely belt it out.  I love it!  Abby and I are actually rocking out to it right now as we eat breakfast.

Anyway, I was pumped to get to the gym and Kaella was already there and she was killing it on the treadmill, and that really inspired me to kick it up a notch or two as well!  We knocked out 30 minutes on the treadmill, then an arm interval, and then some v-sit ball bounces.  I felt grreeeaaat when I left!

I got home and Abby was still sleeping (apparently she had put in a brief appearance with Ty this morning but settled back down easily) so I lay in bed and read the book that I am plowing through right now for a bit and enjoyed a cool breeze blowing into the bedroom.  When she was ready to get up, we cuddled in her room for a little bit, and now I am enjoying my new fave breakfast.

My friends, this is oats, soy milk, a big scoop of melted crunchy peanut butter  topped with crumbles of the granola bars I made.  HEAVEN.

Despite going to a funeral this afternoon, today is going to be a great day.  An amazing day actually, because I owe it to myself and everyone else after my crank episode last night.

So, I am going to keep listening to some Lady G and have a great one, and I hope you do too!

Sunday 26 June 2011

Right now

Right now I feel bummed.  I don't know why I can't shake this mood, but I just can't.  I got to sleep in this morning until 9, my hubby took me to a movie, I had a great dinner with my family, Abrielle has been a little giggle monster lately and is so much fun to be around.  Some good friends recently shared some great news with me and I have also learned that I am going to be getting retro-paid for a child tax benefit that the idiots nice people at Service Canada told me that I didn't qualify for.  So, not too much is going wrong.

Upon arriving home tonight though, I all of the sudden feel like a huge crank.

-There were clouds of mosquitoes outside of our house, and for some reason this year they are actually biting me!  This has never happened.
-I got into the house and the dogs have gone through the garbage
-There is something wrong with Chevy's tail, and I am worried about him
-I am also worried that Chevy's tail is going to result in an enormous vet bill.
-I had to miss Out in the Park (a celebration of Lethbridge Pride for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgenders) because of the rain.  I was really looking forward to taking Abrielle to this and exposing her to the wonderful diversity in our city at an early age.
-My bedroom is a mess.  I can actually see the dog hair in the carpet, I have about 4 loads of laundry I need to do, and there are little things here and there that need to be picked up.  I actually am not even putting Abby on the carpet in there until I get everything cleaned.

I am just plain ole cranky and I hate it!  Being cranky is making me crankier.  I am trying not to take it out on Tyler, but I feel as though I just can't be pleasant right now for some reason. 

I think the best solution here is to lay out my gym clothes, eat a granola bar square, and curl up in bed with a book.  Tomorrow will be better.

Fajita Casserole

After our delicious fajitas (remember, pronounced Fah-JIE-tahs) the other day, Ty and I were both craving more!  So, I mixed it up a little and made a delicious casserole!


1 c salsa
1/2 pkg fajita seasoning
2 c brown rice
1 c corn (Frozen)
1 sweet pepper
1 c cremini mushrooms
1 small onion
1 c beans (I like something called "soup mix" that you can get at Bulk Barn.  It has about 5 different beans, plus split peas and a little barley).

For the meat eaters
1 chicken breast
1 tbsp sriracha
1 tsp fajita seasoning

For the casserole you will need to soak the dried beans all day or overnight, so make sure to do this!  I then put them to boil at the same time as I turn the rice cooker on.
Prepare the rice while you sautee together onions, mushrooms and pepper.  When veggies are almost cooked, add corn and fajita seasoning. 
Mix together with (drained) beans, salsa and rice and serve.  No need to bake in the oven.  Delicious!

For the meat, I used the slow cooker, water and sriracha sauce topoach the chicken breast all day and then shredded it.

I served mine with broc and zuc done over the rice cooker again.  Yum!

WARNING!  My kitchen started off looking like this...

...and ended up looking like this!

Saturday 25 June 2011

The Sweetest Thing

Once Abby figured out the forward motion in crawling, she just never looked back.  At first, she was just crawling to people or objects that she wanted, and would do so by a method that I liked to call "The drag and squirm".  That has since progress to her beginning to explore the house and pull up on objects, so gone are the days where I could plunk her on her play mat and do some work around the house without worry of her moving or getting hurt. 

For example, I went to the bathroom the other day and came back to this

Just a little further!

She was using the piano more as a walker to get closer to the window so that she could pull on the handle.  Awesome.

Now that she has mastered hands and knees crawling, she is a lot quicker, and also it is a lot quieter.  No longer can I tell when she has left the play mat by sound alone.  Her most coveted object is a little free standing side table that we have.  Unfortunately, it is really light and she likes to pull on it, so I am sure one day one of the objects on it, or the stand itself, is going to topple on her.  I've put a speaker underneath it so that she can't drag it quite so easily.

No no, I'm not going to pull on it.  I just want to look at it.

OK, I lied

As of yesterday though, she has started to embark on a new challenge: the stairs.  We only have 3 going up into the kitchen from the living room, but she was bound and determined to get up them. 

She is so proud of herself for everything that she can do, but the sweetest thing is that she always turns to look at me, with that big gummy smile (yep, still no teeth!) as if to say look Mama!  Look what I am doing!  I know that smile is going to get her out of a lot of trouble when she is older.  I feel like that smile lets me know, that even though she is growing up and getting more independent, she still loves me unconditionally.

Are you watching?  Because this is about to happen

Leg up, no problem!

Oh, this is too easy!

One more!

Gate, I have a feeling that you and I are going to be enemies

Friday 24 June 2011

Granola Bars

When I was growing up, my best friend's Mom made the BEST homemade granola.  It was full of delicious things like sunflower seeds and raisins and goodness.  I loved getting a bowl full of that when I slept over!

Because I am VEGAN (as my Mom so kindly points out to waitresses, ha ha!  Love you Mom!), I can't eat most commerical granola bars.  So, when I saw Julie's recipe for granola, I lifted it, added in a few things of my own, and made it into a bar!


3/4 c crunchy peanut butter (you could use regular, but you'll be missing out!)
3/4 c honey
2 c oats (I prefer a smaller flaked oat for this)
1/2 c raisins
1/4 raw almonds, chopped

Melt the peanut butter and honey in the microwave and mix in the almonds, oats and raisins.  Stir together, this should form a slightly wet, doughy consistency.  Press into a greased pan and bake at 350 degrees for about 14  minutes.  Let cool before cutting into squares
So yummy!

Hello my little vegan friendly bar

The best part of these bars?  The crumbles that are left over
after.  Because they fell OFF of the bar, they are actually
calorie free.  All of the calories stay with the original bar.  Awesome!

Imma gonna eat ya!

Sweat, sunscreen and strawberries

Yesterday I had my sister's littles for a few hours, and since it was actually sunny (it generally rains when they come over) we got ready to go to the park.  Now, here is a quick illustration of the difference between going to the park with adults, and going with kids.

Step 1:  Decide to go to park
Step 2: Put on sunscreen and bug spray
Step 3: Go to park



Step 1:  Decide to go to park
Step 2: Argue the merits of each park
Step 3:  Drag double push trailer up from basement, find snuggli
Step 4:  Sunscreen 3 kids
Step 5:  Discuss the merits of bug spray
Step 6:  Apply bug spray
Step 7:  Agree to a picnic
Step 8:  Discuss what to have at said picnic
Step 9: Cut up fruit, portion snacks, collect water bottles
Step 10:  Put Logan on the potty
Step 11:  Spend 5 minutes washing his hands
Step 12:  Realize Abby's diaper needs to be changed, and then do so.
Step 13:  Repeat steps 10 and 11
Step 14: Get baby in snuggli, secure hat
Step 15: Convince kids to get in push trailer
Step 16:  Go back into the house to get bubbles
Step 17:  Get kids back in the trailer
Step 18: Get to park

A little more complicated, but definitely worth it. For one, it is kind of an awesome workout for me, I was pretty sweaty by the time we actually got to the park.  Also, it is a really beautiful thing to watch kids having unstructured play.   I love at the park that they pick what they want to do, invent a game to go with it, and have a ball.  I love that they want that romantic version of a picnic that involves a basket and a blanket.  I love seeing the strawberry juice running down their chins and fingers as they bit off little pieces to share with Abby.  I love that I suddenly don't care about getting dirty.

I love the excited proclamation of "bubbles!" that they shriek EVERY time I blow a new set, and watching them run all over the green hills chasing them.  I love how excited they are every time they go down the slide, climb up a rope ladder, or go "super high" on the swings.  It is just pure, agenda-less fun.

It threatened rain, so we had to pack up before we were ready,but they were agreeable, so we loaded everyone back up and headed home.  It started to rain, so we all snuggled on the couch and watched Megamind while the dogs whined in the basement.  A pretty perfect little afternoon.

God I love summer!

Thursday 23 June 2011

Those poor old gums

That is a sentence that I say about 19 times a day now, when my daughter stops cooing happily and suddenly begins to wail and hold her arms up for me to scoop her up. 

I'll admit it, I am spoiled.  I have a really happy, independent baby who I can let play by herself for an hour at a time while I get things done around the house.  She is full of smiles, laughs a lot, and is just so much fun to be around.  That is why teething has thrown me for a bit of a loop.  I am just not accustomed to having a baby who wants to be cuddled up to me 50% of the day.  And there are times during the day where she just starts crying.  She has never really been a crier, she was just more of a fusser before, so this is new, and a little heartbreaking.

When she gets sore her little body just writhes in pain, and she looks like she can't get comfortable.  It is just so sad, and there is not too much I can do for her.  Little Miss Independent doesn't want to put anything cold in her mouth anymore for some reason, and nothing else seems to really be working too well. 

I'm not complaining that I have to 'deal' with this, I just feel so bad that my little one is hurting. Every morning we check for that elusive tooth, but so far nothing.  With the exception of one challenging day, where when Tyler came home from work he took one look at me and scooped Abby out of my arms, it is just intermittent bursts of fussiness.  It is a rite of passage in her growing up, and this will be over before we both know it.

I'll be sad to lose that gummy smile, but happy when this process is over!

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Hold them close

Yesterday was June 21st, the first day of summer.  It is also the one year anniversary of a friend's death, and will forever be the anniversary of another.  A good friend of my sister and brother in law's, who I had met several times but can't claim to truly know, past away unexpectedly.   He wasn't even 40 years old.

Death and dying are subjects that I feel like I have a handle on, but they paralyze my tongue.  I never have the perfect words and I struggle with what to say to people.  Yesterday when I was talking to my sister, this was no exception.  All I could really say was that I was sorry, it was shitty and it just wasn't fair.

Death is one of those things that can't be undone, and that is the feeling I get when I experience a loss.  It's done, it's over, and it is irrevocably changed.  It's sad, sometimes even heartbreaking.  My sadness is not for the person lost, because they are gone.  It is for the people who loved them. 

The person who has to come home to an empty house and a cold side of the bed.

The person who realizes that they have to delete their number from their phone.

The person who aches when their birthday comes around

The person who is suddenly struck when a song comes on the radio that reminds them.

Some people go when it is their time, and it is expected, and peaceful and that is what I call a good death.  A good death is so important, not only for the one leaving this earth, but for those who are left behind.  When someone is ripped from our lives tragically, there is so much less closure.  There is panic, and uncertainty and hopelessness.  We can't bring them back, no matter what we do to try.  So what do you do?

I think it is important to be sad if you feel that way.  I don't see any reason that emotions need to be masked, it is such a deep hurt that people should be given carte blanche to be sad, angry or reserved.  Everyone needs to grieve for as long as they want, and however it feels right.  Eventually, it comes time to "move on".  I actually hate that expression, I prefer move forward. 

Sometimes moving forward is all you can do.  I think the greatest tribute to someone's life is to live your own in a way that would make them proud, and that is exactly how you move forward.  Is it easy?  No.  Is it instant?  Absolutely not.  But there comes a time where you can't just stay swallowed in the moment anymore, and you need to plow ahead, one foot in front of the other.  That time comes when you are ready, and not when someone else tells you that it has been long enough.

For the rest of us left standing, like myself, who are shocked, saddened, but mostly left unscathed by this passing, it is a lesson.  We need to do what everyone says but rarely lives out.  We need to cherish the ones we love, tell them how we feel and hold them close.

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Just work it out

My gym buddy is away this week, so it is up to me to get up at 5:07 in the morning and get to the gym on my own.  I have to say, with no accountability but to myself, this is a bit of a challenge.

Yesterday I had an alarm clock malfunction and slept right through until Ty got up and left.  Oopsie.  I vowed I would go that night, but as the day wore on, I was less and less inclined.  So, instead we leashed up the dogs, popped Abby in the push trailer and set out for a walk.  This was definitely not the same intensity that I would have done in the gym, but at least it was exercise and I got to hang out with my little family and enjoy the weather.

This morning when my alarm clock went off, I thought myself  I'll just go back to sleep and then go to the gym tonight.  Then, I remembered that I was having an epicure party tonight, so that definitely wouldn't be happening.  I wrestled with just skipping the gym all together until a voice in my head said make a decision!.  With that, I got out of bed and headed out to the gym.

On the way there, I negotiated with myself that I would just do cardio (I really don't love strength), and again, that mental voice piped up, asking who are you cheating?

Touche, head voice.

It continued much along the same track at the gym, with me wrestling inner voices telling me to take the easy way out or to give it my all.  I decided to listen to the more positive voice, and was able to crank out a decent strength workout including 2 circuits and then 30 minutes of cardio.  I left the gym feeling pretty proud of myself for not cheating myself out of a good workout just because Kaella wasn't there to hold me accountable for my actions.  Now, I feel great and like I have the whole day stretching ahead of me to accomplish many things on my list (cleaning, Costco, know, the 3 C's).  It is only 7:15 and I have made bread, a lunch for Tyler, and Abby and I are wrapping up breakfast.  Score!

As an update as well, I accomplished everything on my list yesterday...procrasti-what?  :-)

Monday 20 June 2011

Recipe: Fajitas!

First things first:  In my family, we pronounce it fah-JIE-tahs.  Why?  Because it is funny...and kind of sounds like a dirty word.

Here are your ingredients:

1/2 package low sodium fajita seasoning
1 cup rice (short grain pearl works well)
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp canola oil
1 green pepper
1 onion
1 handful sliced cremini mushrooms
1 tbsp Sriracha sauce
1 tbsp Francois sauce (that's fancy talk for Frank's Red Hot) 

Ok, here's how this goes down.  I made a vegetarian version for myself, and I used Stir-fry turkey for Tyler, and that was so convenient because I didn't have to cut it into strips.  About 2 hours before dinner, I placed the turkey and cremini mushrooms in (separate) ziploc baggies, and marinated with about 1 tbsp olive oil and 1 tbsp fajita seasoning each.

Later, I placed both into (separate) preheated pans that I lightly sprayed with oil.  There is no need to add additional oil because there is some in the marinade already.  Cook both over medium heat, and add sliced peppers and onions to the mushrooms.  When about 1/2 way cooked, add in ~1/2 cup of water with either Sriracha or Frank's mixed in (whatever your preference is) to the pan and allow the veggies/turkey to poach a bit.

Sizzle baby, sizzle

In the rice cooker, add rice and about another tbsp of fajita seasoning, allow to cook.  I wanted broccoli for a side dish, and my rice cooker is super cool and has a steam basket so that I can do both at once.  Check it!

Double duty!

Once the liquid has reduced in the pans of veggies/turkey, add more fajita seasoning (dry) and increase heat.  I really like cooking these in a grill pan because it causes the seasoning to get trapped and blacken a little.  You want the veggies to have a bit of a char on them.

Just before serving, brush both sides of tortillas with oil and place into dirty grill pan.  Let warm for about 15 seconds per side and collect all of those flavor bits!

Yummm...flavor bits!

The finished product!  So delicious.

Procrastination Nation

I honestly think that procrastination is my greatest skill.  Coupled with my forgetfulness, I have a hard time getting loose ends tied up on a lot of things.  I have a list that has been growing and growing lately, and I really need to tackle it pronto.  Looking at the calendar, I can see that our next holidays are rapidly approaching (yay!) so my goal is to have most things done by then.

I don't know why I am such a procrastinator.  It has gotten me in a lot of trouble in the past, so why I haven't learned from it and changed my ways, I really can't tell you.  I think deep down, a part of me thinks that things always work out, so I don't stress about it.  Not a good philosophy, really.

Even in school, I usually left studying, presentations and papers until the night before.  I have been known to actually leave them until the morning of as well, and get up super early and just crank them out.  I work well under pressure!  I once even completed a learning plan in the car on the way to my practicum in the Crowsnest Pass (as an aside, my instructor asked to retain a copy as an example for future students!).

My lazy ways are beginning to affect Abby though, so that just wont do.  Today I resolved to check some things off of my list like get an appointment to set up her RESPs (I know, we are terrible parents that we haven't yet!), set up a bank account for her, call about something for our taxes, do thank you cards for her baptism (done!).  I have no excuses as to why any of that cannot be at least started today , so off we go!

Sunday 19 June 2011

Father's Day, Part 2


As Abby gets older, she will come to realize how great of dad she has.  Right now, she only knows that she adores you and that you light up her days.  I want her to know how invested and in love with her you were from the very beginning.  Although this post is dedicated to you, I am writing a letter to her.


Your daddy loved you before you were born. From the minute we found out that we were pregnant, he walked taller, and had a permanent smile on his face.  People told us that he got the pregnancy glow that most women get. We went to Mexico when I was 8 weeks pregnant with you, and let me tell you, everyone in Jalisco and P.V knew that I was pregnant!  He was just so proud and excited, and didn't care who knew it. 

The first time we heard your little heart beat, at 13 weeks, he was sitting at the end of the doctor's table.  The minute the Doppler picked up your little gallop, he squeezed my ankle and a tear or two might have escaped.  He proceeded to come to every appointment after that so that he could hear that precious sound one more time, and would talk on and on about how happy it made him to hear it.

At our first ultrasound, I told him he wasn't allowed to peak at the screen until I could see it too, and he promised that he wouldn't.  Abby, this is probably one of the only promises that he has broken to me, because he was just too excited and had to see your little body.  He teared up when he saw your little black and white picture, and marvelled at how perfect you were already.

He was so excited about you that he downloaded a website on his phone that would update him about your changes in utero week to week.  He proudly shared this information with me, and anyone else who would listen to him, and insisted that other father's to be get this application.  He would try little tricks that he learned from the website on me (like shining a flashlight on my belly to see if you would kick at it).

As you grew and so did my I, his dreams for you did too.  He talked all the time of the things that he wanted to teach you and show you, traditions he wanted to start with you, and things he hoped you loved as much as he did.  You Dad is generally great at compromising, but when it comes to you, he really puts his foot down.  You are his little girl.

The minute you were born, you were his entire world.  The man who often scoffed that people worried too much about their kids would suddenly be sneaking into your room to ensure that you were safe and breathing.  His big hands would manipulate your little body into sleepers with ease, he changed diapers with (rarely) any complaints, and cherished your time together when he gave you one bottle a day. He loved to show you off to people, and loved dressing you in his "favourite" outfits.  He would call during the day while he was at work just to see how his "little girl" was doing.

Every milestone you hit, he has been there cheering you on all the way, and praising you on your success. Now that you are getting older and developing even more of a personality, his protective side is showing through.  You are in for a world of frustration as you get older, and god help your first date.  You'll be mad at him then, but just know it is because he loves you so much, and he doesn't want to share you.

When you are older, and think that your father is uncool, unfair, or unyielding, please look back on this letter, and other times from your childhood and realize how lucky you are, and how loved you are.  You are the luckiest little girl in the entire world.  As you get older, you will probably never have a moment where you realize how much your father loves you, because it will be such a constant in your life you will most likely take it for granted.  And that's a good thing.

Father's Day, Part 1

I am dedicating 2 separate posts, one to my Dad, and one to Tyler, in honor of Father's Day this year.  Here is my Dad's.

I find for me it is really hard to sit face to face with someone and be able to tell them exactly what I feel.  For one, I am too emotional, and generally break down into tears.  Secondly, I have a wandering mind and rarely say exactly what it is that I meant to.  Although I will never be able to put into words exactly how special my Dad is to me, I want to try.


Things change from the time you are a little girl to the time you are an adult.  I have gone from seeing you at home every day to seeing you about once a week on Sundays.  We don't get to sit at the dinner table and talk about our day every night with the rest of the family.  We don't sit at that same table as you help me with my homework and sign my tests to be returned.  You don't come to my school to give presentations and let us use the always highly anticipated "bug board" anymore.  You don't ask the flight attendants for extra peanuts and pretzels to bring home to me anymore, or search for the perfect toy as a present upon your return home from business trips.  You don't ground me for not cleaning my room anymore, all while letting me know how much you love me regardless.  We don't go to Charlottetown Abbies games and get snow cones and hope to win the giant Subway sub anymore.  You don't take me into your work and let me look at things underneath the microscope and let me make little figurines using sharpies and paper cups. You don't drive me to hockey practice and tournaments at godforsaken hours of the morning, and sit in Dairy Queen with me and explain exactly what an offside is.    You don't coach my one prolific season in soccer, even though you had probably never even seen a game.  You don't lay in bed with me as I fall asleep and give into reading one more story.

There are a lot of things that we don't do anymore due to the passage of time.  Our relationship has evolved and changed.  We sit at a (new) kitchen table and laugh and joke over dinner, including a dish that you would have made especially for me. You helped me get through university and counselled me on the importance of finishing off a degree that I had no desire to do anything with.  Your words "there is no such thing as half a degree" stuck with me as I finished out round 1 at the University of Lethbridge.  I now go to your work to bring your granddaughter in so that you can show her off.  You tell me now about the struggles that come with travelling all of the time, and how it wears you down sometimes. We discuss the merits of different hockey teams, and you still defend your Leafs to the bitter end.  By the way, I often tell people your story about how when you were little you would vow to not at any popcorn until the Leafs had scored.  You are good natured as we tease you about things like your little quirks (like your spice, bulk barn, and dollar store obsessions).  Thanks to all those late night stories, I inherited a love of reading that I am passing along to my own daughter. 

You are more than a father, you are a role model, friend and confidant.  You have a special gift for making me feel special, even though you have 4 kids.  I love that you are passionate about things like cooking and gardening.  I love how your play list is so eclectic, with everything from french songs, to James Taylor, to Katy Perry and Pink.  I am incredibly fortunate to have such a strong male role model in my life, and I appreciate everything that you have done for me and given to me.  I love you.

Saturday 18 June 2011

But where will we eat?

Often when I am going out to lunch or dinner with friends, they insist that I pick the place because I know where I can eat.  For 1.  I HATE picking restaurants, unless I have a crazy craving for Indian or Sushi or something, and 2. I can eat ANYWHERE.  And I mean that!

Except for a string of bad luck about a month ago, my order rarely gets screwed up.  I can eat in pubs, steakhouses, cafes, coffee shops, chain restaurants, ethnic restaurants, you name it.  And I generally do not order a salad unless that is what I am craving.  I'll admit, when you first look at a menu, it doesn't look very vegan friendly.  But, if you get creative, you have a world of possibilities ahead of you. 

For example, I will often ask that they switch out meat for double veggies in things like salads or stir fry.  I order pizza or quesidillas with no cheese.  Recently, I have started subbing out meat or cheese for rice or beans, and have been ordering "fish" tacos or more hearty wraps.  Any place that has an actual chef will custom make a dish for you as well, and as one server told me, they get excited by the challenge.  Sweet.

Even when I go over to someone's house for a party or get together, it is rare that there isn't something that I can find to eat.  I don't feel like I am missing out when there are dishes that aren't vegan friendly; most of the time they just don't appeal to me at all.

I will admit that I am more lenient than most people are when it comes to things "touching" my food.  If I can avoid it, I will, but if someone accidentally put a slice of cheese on my sandwich, and I can pick the entire thing off, I will.  I have scraped sauces off of sandwiches in the past and survived.  I have eaten things by accident and somehow lived to see another day.  For me, the concept of being vegan is to make a 100% effort to not eat meat and dairy, all while living a normal life and not sweating the small stuff. 

So, the moral of the story is, if we are going out to eat:  Don't make me pick the restaurant!

Thursday 16 June 2011

Definitely my daughter

Abrielle was eyeing up my salad tonight at dinner, which I have just started adding a dollop of hummus into (soooo good).  So, on a whim, I gave her a fingertip-full of hummus to try.  She LOVED it...and the next 4.  So, eventually, I just put a scoop right on her tray.   She was already filthy from her dinner (of lentils, squash, carrots, grapes, some toast, nectarine and a few cheerios.  When I say that she eats a lot, I mean it!), so I eventually just gave her the near empty container and told her to go to town.  The result:

Hummus is yummus!

Here Bo, have a quick lick!
 Of course, I had to throw her in the shower immediately afterwards, so Ty gave her a rinse off.  Abby decided that she wanted to do a little work out on the curtain rod, and I actually had to pry her fingers off to get her out!
Gotta work on my fitness!

Chin ups?  No problem!

4 years ago today

4 years ago today, I married my best friend and soul mate.

After I first met, and to be honest, even after I first started dating Tyler, I never once would have imagined that we end up married.  Now, my opinion changed a few months in, but I just thought that we were such polar opposites that the relationship wouldn't ever bloom.  What did I know?

Our wedding day was one of the best days of my life.  I was completely stress free, I was able to enjoy my whole day and I felt great.  My bridal party was amazing and fun, and they really helped to make the day complete.

My day started off early, waking up before the crack of dawn because I was worried that I would over sleep for my hair appointment.  Rachel had spent the night with me, and so I tried to wake her up about 9 times before finally accepting that it wasn't going to happen.   My sister came over and drank coffee on the couch while we waited for Lindsey to arrive.  Once we collected Amanda we piled into my little Hyundai accent (Nancy and Bailey would meet us later).  Turns out, I was boxed in, because I was parked on the street and this may or may not have resulted in me backing in to Tyler's truck.  No damage!

We picked up some breakfast, got our hair and makeup done at Eclipse (I think it was still called E3 then) and then headed over to my parent's house.  I was in my dress and corseted up lickity split, but it turns out the 5 bridesmaids dresses were not already laced. Meaning, we had to thread the lace through 5 full corsets and then do each girl up.  It was kind of a funny scene, where one girl would get finished and then go to help the rest. I just went and got some pictures done while I was waiting, ate some fruit, and told my Dad that he needed to relax, because regardless of if we were late or not, they couldn't start the wedding without us.

All dolled up!
You're up Nancy!

We arrived at the church and got assembled, and only had a minor skirmish when Bailey decided that she might not want to walk down the aisle by herself (she was my flower girl).  We presented her with 3 options: Go by yourself, go with Sara, or we would get Uncle Mike to come back up the aisle and walk down with her.  In the end, she pulled it together, told us she was 5 now and was brave, and walked down with an angelic look on her face.  It was only before I walked down the aisle that I really started to get emotional, but a few words of wisdom from my dad and we were on our way.

The ceremony....well, it was looooooonnngg.  And to be honest, it was boring. I feel bad that my guests had to sit through that, as it was well over an hour.  After we were pronounced husband and wife, Fr. Dennis neglected to inform us to kiss, so that resulted in a bit of an awkward moment.  Oh well!

It's official!  And as an aside, does my husband not look AMAZING in a suit?

Hours and hours of pictures, and then we were off to the reception where the food was amazing, drinks were plentiful, and the band was rocking. I am still told to this day that people had the best food, or the best time or thought we had the best band (my friend Niki even booked them for her upcoming wedding this August).  I just had an amazing time all together.  In total, we had about 400 guests, so it was a busy night, but a fun one. At the end of the night, Ty and I decided that we just needed to leave without trying to say goodbye to everyone, otherwise we would never get out.  So we did!

We spent the night in our honeymoon suite, and then went to brunch at my parent's house the next day with all of our out of town guests.  This was a nice chance to spend a little more one on one time with the people who had travelled to be there with us.  Then, we went back to the suite for another night, and had an amazingly relaxing time.  We drank Coronas, ate pizza and watched great movies that were on TV like Father of the Bride (parts 1 and 2!).

Weddings are for one night only, but marriages are for life.  I feel as though our wedding day was the perfect send off into our new life together.  Tyler and I lived together before we were married, so people told us that nothing would really change after we made it official.  I wholeheartedly disagree with that though.  I definitely feel as though something changed when we were married.  I felt closer to Ty, and we felt like more of a family.  I just felt more complete, I guess. 

Throughout our 4 years of marriage, we have had a ton of happy times and some challenging times, but never has it compromised the integrity of our relationship.  I feel so incredibly lucky to have found my perfect match, and I can say without any doubt that there is no one in this world that could make me happier, or that I could love more.  We have a happy life together, and there is no price tag that could ever be put on that.

And all because of that day 4 years ago, I am listening to an endless stream of chatter from the most beautiful baby in the world.  Thank you hun, for everything you do and everything you are.  I love you more than I can ever explain.

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Pizzagasm (recipe)

You guys, I made the most mind blowing pizza of my life tonight.  I took one bite, and literally said "I think I just had a pizzagasm".   This will change your life.

I made the dough as I normally do ( dough recipe here), but I omitted the Italian herbs and added in flax.  Then, the toppings:

Black olives
Sauteed spinach
Roasted acorn squash

Ok, so the acorn squash is something I had on hand already, but it is worth making in advance!  Halve an acorn squash and remove the seeds, then place down on a greased cookie sheet and bake for about 40 minutes at 350 degrees.  Let cool completely, and then peel off rind.  It freezes beautifully as well!

I ate 4 pieces, this baby was so good.  The creamy hummus combined with the buttery texture of the squash is phenomenal. 

Behold the beauty!

It was great...except for the part where I felt like puking.

After an embarrassing 2.5 months away, I am back at the gym!  Yay!

It felt so good to get back last night.  Kaella and I went at 5:15 and stuck to cardio for a gentle introduction back in (for me...she's been going!).  I was able to maintain my usual routine on the elliptical (with much complaining), but once I got on the bike I was able to see the results of my hiatus. I use to be able to pedal with only minimal difficulty on resistance 12, and now I can't even get the bike moving!  Oh, so sad what I have done to myself.

Here we are after my first workout back: 
I'm feeling good...not looking good!

This morning, we both pulled it together and met at the gym at the morning.  Yes, this from the girl who refuses to get up for the day before 7 am.  Don't get me wrong, when my alarm (since when do I use one of those things?) went off this morning, I thought of every excuse as to why I should stay in bed.  That is why having someone meet you there is such a great idea, it keeps you accountable.  This morning we did a 5 minute warm up on the treadmill, and then lunges ( these ever get easy?  I don't even touch my knee down) while throwing a ball overhead, ball squats, ball slams, triceps dips, triceps weights, mountain climbers, kettle bells, seat belts, v-sit ball bounces, plank wars on a ball, and 15 minutes incline walking.  In and out in 50 minutes, just in time to get home so Ty can go to work.

Speaking of which, I have to mention how much I appreciate that I have a husband who helps me to make myself a priority.  When I asked him how he felt about me going early in the morning, since that might mean he had to get up with Abby if she happened to wake up, he didn't even hesitate to say yes.  He told me that I get up with her all the time, it is only fair if he has to every once and a while.  Tyler knows that going to the gym makes me feel better and gives me better self esteem, so I appreciate so much that he is willing to take over childcare duties so that I can make time for myself.

Anyway, everything is WAY harder than it use to be (understandably).  I have lost so much strength and endurance and I hate that.  I felt amazing afterwards, except for that pukey feeling that you get when you are out of shape!  I made a quick breakfast of oats, a scoop of chocolate protein powder and soy milk (so good!) and an apple.  I am excited to get back again tomorrow morning, and make this part of my days.  I feel like everything gets better when I go to the gym.  My back feels better, I feel more awake, I eat better, so I feel better that way too.

Here I am before heading to the gym this morning.  Looking good!

5:15 this morning...and why yes!  That
is the same shirt as last night!

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Hockey Night in Canada

Hockey is a very important thing in our household, and also in Tyler and I's relationship.  When we first met, our very first conversation involved hockey.  Our teams were facing of in the Western Conference finals for the 2004 Stanley Cup run, and so we had plenty to say about that!  You could say that a rivalry and a relationship were born.

When we (subsequently) first started dating, many nights were spent hanging out on the couch watching playoffs.  I will never forget when the Flames lost the cup.  I was sitting by myself on a love seat, eating a baked potato that he assured me had not touched anything that I considered contraband at the time (like, you know, salt...or butter).  When that final horn sounded, I literally lost my appetite.

Going forward in our relationship, I spent many nights at the hockey rink watching his beer league team play.  There are many nights that I was one of the only fans!  I would come after work a lot, wearing boots and a skirt and stinking like Moxie's food. I loved watching Tyler play.  Even though he hasn't played competitively for a long while now, he is a really powerful player.  He is big on the ice, skates like a bull charging and has a mean shot from the point. 

At our wedding, we had a net and sticks set up so that people had to score a goal if they wanted us to kiss (I am personally not a fan of glass clinking...I think people go overboard).  We gave away hockey pucks as favors with this picture on them.

The picture on the puck, pictured below

That's right, we classed up hockey pucks and gave them away!

When I was pregnant with Abrielle we had a few heated discussions as to which team insignia she would sport first.  Tyler was VERY invested in this conversation, and it is one of the few times he refused to budge.  In the end, we compromised and I don't know which she actually put on first.  This year, she is definitely getting to wear her Canuck's jersey more!  Also, I have always said that I wanted my kids to remember Don Cherry.  He has been a part of my life since I was little, and I just love him.  I want Abby to have memories of Ol' Grapes as well!

When Abby was first born, my mother in law gave her some Hockey Canada soothers that she used all the time.  Given that she looked a LOT like her father than, and was sporting a hockey soother, people would call her a boy all the time.  Even if she was wearing head to toe pink.  Kind of frustrating!

A few weeks after Abby was born, it was back to the rink to watch Tyler play, only this time I was never the only fan.  I think I got more out of this past hockey season than he did, as I got to hang out with girls who are now my best friends.  I think we spent more time discussing our Starbucks orders than we did watching the game, and we definitely told a few fibs about seeing our respective player's goals (oops).  At the beginning of the season, Abby would just sleep through the games, and by the end she had bounced on all of our knees, waving her bumblebee blanket like a crazy lady.

Abby truly seems to like hockey though.  At first I just assumed it was fast movement and bright colours, but now I think that it might be more.  One of my favourite memories is when her "Uncle Ricky" was babysitting her while Carman and I were at the gym.  We came home and saw through the window that he was holding Abby about 4 inches away from the TV and they were watching hockey.  Apparently it was the only thing that calmed her down that night!

Tyler has played hockey all of his life, and I actually gave it a go for a few years while I was in elementary school.  I won't force hockey on Abby, but I really hope that she wants to play.  I always loved going to WHL games and seeing the little Timbits playing, knowing that this was probably one of the most exciting nights in their lives.  I would love for Abby to experience that.

Whether she loves or hates it, hockey is going to be a huge part of her life.

Monday 13 June 2011

...but not the Holy Spirit

Yesterday was Abrielle's baptism, and it was a great day that was full of good food, good friends, lots of laughs and some rejection of salvation.

To begin with, Abby is now the 5th generation to be baptized in the christening dress that she wore.  The dress is about 110 years old and in remarkably good shape, despite a little yellowing around the collar.  It is long, and beautiful and of course I wasn't smart enough to take a close up of it!  My mom thanked me several times for having her in that dress, but I thought it was a pretty incredible thing that she be able to wear something with so much history.  And, she didn't even get it dirty!

There were 2 other baby girls and 1 little girl being baptized at the same time, but of course it was our little one that brought some comic relief to the service.  To begin with, unless I had her soother in her mouth, she was chattering away the whole time.  Then, when it came time for her to be actually baptized, Tyler held her over the font just like he was suppose to.  Abby wasn't a huge fan of that though, so she started doing her little baby crunches to bring herself back up.  Father Fernando was able to baptize her in the name of the Father, and of the Son...but it took 2 tries before he got her in the name of the Holy Spirit.  If you can see in this picture, he is actually laughing as he tries to get her again.


You can see that everyone is laughing as Abby tried to dodge the last scoop
of water!

Later on, when he went to make the sign of the cross on her forehead with oil, she quite politely pushed his hand away.  Could this be a bad sign? I think it is just typical Abby, and it made the day all the more memorable

After the ceremony, we went to my parent's house for a casual lunch, some drinks, some sun and conversation.  I really appreciate that my parents were willing to host for us.  They provided all of the food and beverages, and our house is just too small to fit that many people comfortably!  Surrounded by all these people that came to celebrate with us, I was blown away by how much love there was for Abby.  Tyler's grandparents and his sister Amanda and her boyfriend Shawn all drove up just to pretty much turn around and drive back to Medicine Hat.  Church is really not my brother James' thing, yet he was willing to stand up there as her Godfather. Kaella got up at an ungodly hour after changing her flight so that she would be home in time.  3 of our guy friends, fresh off their camping trip with Tyler and all probably fighting exhaustion and hangovers were there, freshly shaved and looking good.  Terri Jo and Brett had both packed their babies up and attended the ceremony.  Crystal had brought Tate (my future son in law) out and navigated him through the crowd that he was unsure of like a pro.  Not to mention the other 20 people who had taken time out of their busy days and lives to come and celebrate something that they might not even believe in. 

Toasts were made, food was eaten, cake was had, and it was just a great time.  I don't take for granted these times when I am surrounded by friends and family.  I feel so blessed to have people in my life that love my little girl so much that they are willing to take time out of their weekend and spend it with us.  Not to mention that Abrielle was completely spoiled!  I had specified NO GIFTS when I invited people, but that was largely  ignored.  One very special gift that she received was from Amanda, my sister in law, and Abby's Godmother.  Amanda gave her the ring that she had received from her Godmother when she was little.  I am so happy that she is going to have something to carry on from that side of the family too, and James gave her a beautiful engraved jewellery box where we can store it for safe keeping.  She also received a joke gift from my brother in law, a "get out of jail free card" for when she decides to replace the original sin that she lost.  I'm thinking about framing that one!

So, for all of you that came out or sent well wishes for Abby and us, thank you.  It meant the world to us.

Sunday 12 June 2011

Crazy Picture Lady

I'll admit it, I'm a Mamarazzi.

I take a lot of pictures of Abrielle.  I will often look back and think, why do I need so many of her in her office or highchair?  At the time, she was obviously being super cute, so I snapped a few...and then a few more...and then a few more.  And thus, a problem was born.   I am (as my husband would say) a crazy picture lady.

So, you can imagine how stoked I was when I won a photo session for her with JillianClaire Photography (she has been doing our pictures since our maternity session, and I absolutely love her.  Go here: Jillian's page
I was planning on getting her 9 month pictures done anyway, so now it is free!  As an aside, I would HIGHLY recommend Jillian. This isn't a plug for her, but I truly think she has an amazing talent, and is just really great to work with because she is a Mom herself. She understands that when a baby is tired, things aren't going to go well and has offered (complimentary) second shoots on separate days when she felt that she didn't get the shots she wanted.  Here pictures are lovely.  Here is one from each session we have had done with her:

So why do I get so many pictures done?  Well, for one, I am a first time Mom, and I think that kind of comes with the territory.  But also, my theory is you can always throw a picture out, but never in life will you be able to go back in time and snap it again.  You only get one shot (no pun intended).  I love having pictures of my baby smiling, but I also love the ones of her mad, like her newborn shot above. 8 months later, that is still her face when she cries, so I am so glad I have that picture to look back on.  I think there is equal importance in capturing both the happy and laughably sad times in our lives.

I am also trying to actually get in front of the camera more.  I hate pictures of myself, mainly because I don't like the way that I look.  I am incredibly regretful though that I don't have very many pictures of myself and Abby when she was a brand new baby.  It wasn't until a couple of months ago that I decided to make an effort to step around to the front of the camera more.  I think as moms we tend to be the ones hiding behind the lenses, and as such dad's get a lot of pictures with their babies, and we don't.

It is not just with Abby that I am trying to take more pictures though. I want to get more of scenery, friends and family.  I use to be embarrassed to be seen pulling a camera out, or requesting a photo op.  Now I am not, because I have come to embrace that pulling out my camera means that I care.  I saw a moment as something special and wanted to record it forever.  What's so wrong with that?

As an aside, I really want to upgrade my camera.  I don't want to have a big huge one, but I am looking for one that is going to take a better quality of pictures and is in the $300-$400 price range.  Any recommendations?

Blogger maintenance

This is not really a post, but more of an answer!

So, as you are probably sick of hearing, I was perplexed (but happy to hear from!) people who were emailing me or facebooking me with comments but not using the comment form.  A friend of mine pointed out that you needed a blog to do so. 

Turns out you just need a Gmail account.  I am not suggesting anyone run out and get one, but that is the solution!

Saturday 11 June 2011

Go baby go

In case you missed it on Facebook, here it is: Video

I took the video clip out because it wasn't playing.  Comments are also not working.  So, go blogger. 

Abby is crawling!  Well, squirming and dragging, but she is moving, and she is FAST.  Yesterday when my sister's kids were over, I was in the kitchen getting them a snack.  When I came back in, Abby had moved from her playmat to halfway across the room.

Me:  How did Abby get there?

Logan:  She cwaled (sic).

Ryann:  (In a bored voice) She crawled over here on her own.

Me:  She CRAWLED?!?!?!

Logan: (Impatiently), Yuh, Abby CWALED!

Geez, sorry for asking. 

We have seen Abby kind of move a shuffle or two forward, and she can definitely scoot backwards, but this is new.  And, like I said, even though she is only one day into this thing, she is FAST.  I'm going to have to baby gate the basement stairs, and since she is pulling herself up too (my, aren't we growing up?) that is going to involve screwing it in, not just propping it up like we have been for the dogs.

This is just a sentimental Mama talking, but now that Abby is crawling, I see it as her crawling away. 

She is crawling away from being a baby.

Crawling away from being so dependent on me. 

Crawling away from the safe places that I put her.

She is just on the move, ready to explore, put foreign objects in her mouth, wreak havoc on low lying objects, terrorize (or get stepped on) by the dogs, and I am sure all other kinds of trouble that I hadn't thought of.  At the same time, I am so proud of her, and I love how she is so proud of herself.  If you  watched the video you can see, she is her own biggest fan, and that just makes it even more cute.  My baby is active, growing and learning, and really, what can you do but sit back, smile and say "Go baby, go"?

Friday 10 June 2011

Recipe: Couscous Salad

I'm just going to warn you ahead of time:  DON'T FEED THIS TO YOUR BABY!  It made a giant mess everywhere.

On Abby
What?   Is there something on my face?

Heh heh heh, you are gonna have fun cleaning me up! 
How did I get couscous IN my diaper?
I'll never tell.
 On the Dogs

How did he get couscous in his fur?  Ask the baby.
At least he is cleaning my floor for me!

Ugh.  Seriously, unless you are prepared to put a tarp under the high chair, do not give this to a child.  I literally had to put her in the bathtub immediately following dinner because she was such a disaster.  It was delicious though.  I love couscous because it is so fast to make and is super tasty!  Here is one of my fave brands.

Abby and I both had seconds of this one (I gave her some that didn't have margarine or spices).  Here is the recipe!

1 cup couscous
1 cup water
1/2 cup lentils
1/2 cup frozen peas
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp margarine
Garlic to taste
Salt and Pepper to taste

Place couscous in serving dish and cover with boiling water.  Cover dish and let stand 5 minutes.
Warm lentils and peas in olive oil
Fluff couscous with fork and add in the (now) cooked lentils and peas, season to taste.
Once seasoned, add in 1 tbsp of margarine and allow to melt.  Don't skip this step, you need a bit of extra oil.
Serve cold or hot.

You think I look bland?  Taste me!