Tuesday 28 June 2011

Le Suck

That is my description of teething.  Le suck.

After my last post about teething, things calmed right down and Abrielle went back to being her normal, cheerful, giggly self.  She went back to being able to play independently without needing me by her side every minute of the day.

Yesterday, she had 2 solid 2.5 hour naps and was nodding off again at 6 pm.  We managed to keep her up until closer to 8 and she went down like a champ as she normally does.  So, you can understand my confusion starting around 1 am when I heard noises coming from her room.  I honestly didn't understand what I was waking up to at first, and then I clued in that she was crying.  I went in, thinking I would just pop a soother into her sleepy mouth and then we would be done with it.


She was on all fours and looking up at me with tears and snot streaming down her little face.  My poor babes :-(  So, we had a cuddle and eventually she went back to sleep.  I went back to bed thinking how strange that was that she had woken up, but chalked it up to her excessive napping.

2 am, same drill, only this time I fed her and gave her some Tylenol.

3 am...up again

4 am....once again

5 am...in for another cuddle, I tried feeding her again and this time gave her some advil because she was warm.  Around 5:20 I finally texted my gym buddy and said I would either be late or a no show.  Sadly, I wa a no show, as I eventually gave up and brought her in to bed with me.  She was so exhausted that she just curled her hot little body into mine and drifted off.  We slept in until about 8 thankfully.

I know that there is probably not a lot of sympathy out there, as my baby has slept at least 7 hour stretches since she was a week old, and now does 12 hours at a clip, but here is the deal.  We don't do this in my house.  Everyone sleeps through the night, no exceptions. I am not use to getting up throughout the night and it really throws me and rearranges my plans.  I have a lot of things to do today before we head out to Pratt Lake (aka Paradise) tomorrow, and I need my baby back so that I can do it!  We'll cross our fingers that my little miss perks up and feels better.

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