Sunday 29 May 2011

Little Miss Personality

**I have some less than happy things happening in my life right now, and although I would love to post about them, and how I feel about them, they concern someone else who is very private.  So, as such, I am only going to post about the happy things going on right now.  If that person is reading this, please know that you are on my mind all of the time, and my heart aches for you.  I want you to feel free, and happy and ready to take on the world, and I will do whatever I can to help make that possible.  Love you.

Tyler and I were planning a family day yesterday and some things came up, so we pushed it off to today.  After going to visit someone, we went out and had a delicious lunch, and then went out and about to drink slurpees, look at vehicles, get dog food, and do a bit of a snooze cruise for Abby since we were all over the place today.

While I was waiting for Ty to run into a store to grab some sunflower seeds, I just randomly looked at a video on his phone (disclaimer:  I do not snoop through my husband's private things, such as text messages on his phone!).  It was of Abby, and I think she was probably about 2 months old when it was taken.  Ty was video-ing her in her swing and trying to coax her to smile, clucking at her and asking her to smile for Daddy.  The whole video is basically of her staring somberly at the camera with these huge blue eyes, and then suddenly she breaks into a HUGE, split second grin.


After watching it, I turned to Ty and said "I kind of forgot that she didn't always have such a big personality".

And it's true!  Abby is larger than life right now.  She shrieks, she babbles, she giggles, she grabs you and pulls you close.  She bounces, rocks, rolls and boogies.  She flashes megawatt smiles to strangers and family equally.  I get comments all the time from perfect strangers just passing by about how cute she is.  (I know, I am a bragging mother, but they are the ones who say it!  Seriously, not a day goes by when she doesn't elicit a comment).  She is just this force of nature who is so much fun to be around.

Just this morning, Ty brought her back into bed around 9 am for a feed (my day to sleep in, yay!) and after nursing, she burrowed her little head into my chest,  curled her little fingers around my shirt and started softly snoring.  Too precious.  Even better, when she woke up she quietly looked up at me with those same big blue eyes from that video taken about 6 months ago and just gazed.  I swear my heart was a giant puddle.  Then, naturally, she rolled over and sat up and gave her sleeping father an enormous smile.  When she got nothing back, she gently leaned over and patted his hand as though she was saying "Dada, wake up!".

She is so much fun now, I can't even imagine how great she is going to be in the months and years to come.  Happy 8 month birthday my little bumblebee!  I love you more and more every day.

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