Wednesday 18 May 2011

Mother's Day

This Mother's Day fell on Ty's birthday, so he (reluctantly...just kidding!) had to share the day with me!  We were in Phoenix on May 8th, and the day started as pretty much any would.  I got out of bed with Abby and got her situated with breakfast, made some toast and coffee for myself and really focused on enjoying my time with her on my first Mother's Day.

I was quite surprised when Ty lumbered out of the bedroom not minutes later, bleary eyed, asking me what I was doing up.  We had a bit of a detente in the kitchen that finally resulted in me convincing him to go back to bed and sleep in on his birthday.

Truth be told, I have to get up at least once in the morning so that I can nurse Abby, and I really enjoy our mornings that are just the two of us.  This is not to say that I wouldn't love a good sleep in here and there, but it is hard to really fall back asleep when you feel like you are missing something.

So, as I said, Ty went back to bed and Abby and I continued on doing what we do best for about another half hour until Ty came back out, collected us both, and we had a bit of a family cuddle.  Then Abby went down for a nap and Ty and I were able to have a cuddle in bed.  Do you ever notice how some of the best conversations happen while in cuddle?

The rest of the day past as most did there, in the pool, reading, and enjoying the sun.  I received FB messages and texts all day wishing me a Happy Mother's Day.  It really touched me to receive them from my friends, most of whom aren't mothers, and it made me think back to last Mother's Day when I got many messages wishing me the same.

A year ago on Mother's day I:
-Had just had my first ultrasound, confirming that I had (ONE) healthy baby

-Had just given up the battle with my non-maternity clothes
(this is me, poking at my new found bump)
-Had recently just accepted a casual position on pediatrics

-Had just bought  my first (gender neutral) baby clothes

-Was about to write my CRNEs and wasn't nervous!
(us celebrating following the exam. Ceejay was thoughtful enough to get me a non-alcoholic shooter so I wouldn't be left out.  This was minutes before receiving my call to interview for psych).

-Was about 4 weeks away from graduating.

I had so much on the horizon at this time last year and so much to look forward to.  I kept saying that 2010 was the best year ever, and nothing could top it.  I had so many events happening and milestones to look forward to.

I had no idea that 2011 could be even better, although there are no big events or accomplishments in my life.  I am so fulfilled being a mother that every day brings a new "best" moment in my life.  I have described motherhood before as a feeling like waking up every morning and realizing again that you won the lottery, and this is more and more true every day.

I have tears in my eyes right now as I am laughing at my goofy baby, who has had  constant stream of chatter for the last half hour, stopping only to shovel more food in her mouth (or, subsequently, choke on that food).  I wish I had the words to describe how being a mother feels to me but I don't.  I don't even think it is so much being a mother that has changed me, but being a mother to Abrielle.

The love of my life.
The light in my day.
The sweet in my dreams.
The song in my heart.

Corny? Yes.  True?  Absolutely.

I didn't get to spend Mother's Day with my Mom, sister, or mother in law, but I definitely thought about them a lot that day.  I am not sure how it happened, but somehow my relationship with my mom changed when I had Abby only by adding a new layer.  I still feel like her little girl, and she still spoils my sister and I like we are little girls.  I can say with certainty that my mom (aside from Ty) was one of the most excited about "Baby Maier" (as Abby was once known...for about 8 months.  I debated naming her Baby, like from Dirty Dancing, just to make the transition easier for everyone).  My Mom always, always always has my back, whether it is to lift me up when I am down, or level me out if I am riding to high.  She is an amazing mother with an amazing sense of family, and I am so lucky to have inherited this from her.  She remembers EVERYTHING...when Abby goes to the doctor, when Tyler has something at work, when I had a test.  Mom really knows how to listen and make you feel special and loved.

My sister...I wish there were more words for Superwoman, but there aren't.  She is an amazing mom to 3 kids and has mothered me on more than one occasion.  She shows me every day the importance of letting your kids be who they are and not to sweat the small stuff.  Her kids are a perfect example of how a child thrives in a loving and supportive environment. 

My mother in law...pretty much a surrogate mother.  She is a person who I can bounce ideas off of, talk about MTV shows with, or ask advice from.  She is so open and kind hearted and I love how I feel closer and closer to her every day.  She is an amazing Nana to Abby and I love how much she dotes on and adores my little one.

So, there are my thoughts on Mother's Day, a few weeks late.  It is pretty incredible to know that for the rest of my life, I am going to be a mother.  To how many kids?  Who knows...we'll see what the fates have in store and what life holds for us (and no, we are not planning another baby quite yet).  Whatever happens, I am so grateful for the love that has been brought into my life, and for my renewed appreciation for the mother's in my life.

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