Thursday 26 May 2011

On a day like today...

Finding Joy and Happiness in the Following Things:

-Snuggling deeper under the comforter this morning as I listened to the rain pour down outside

-Watching my daughter have a (one sided) conversation with my dog Chevy as he politely feigned interest

"Seriously, do they make a big deal out of it every time you poop?"

-Laughing until I cried because Abby was laughing so hard in her high chair today.

-Rooting my nephew on after going pee on the potty (and floor...and his leg...and a bowl.  I told him to tuck!) and seeing how proud he was of himself.

-Watching my niece and nephew be so kind, caring and loving to my baby.  They never fail to shower her with hugs, kisses, cuddles, toys and encouragement.   Both are currently trying to teach her how to crawl.

Ryann "reading" her fave book to "Abberson"

This would have been shortly after the announcement
"Logan's turn!"

-Having a "grown up" conversation with my eldest niece as I struggled through about 1000 ringlets in a left side parted high ponytail (I never want to hear those 5 words again!).

-Finding out my brother in law made a special corner of the pizza that he made for the kids just for me, complete with lots of veggies and no cheese.  How sweet is that?

-Getting extra cuddles today from a normally very independent baby.

-Sitting in the semi dark in Abbers' chair, cuddling her after a quick comfort nurse.  I will never be able to get enough of that sweet face at rest.

-Realizing how amazing of team my husband and I are when it comes to parenting. 

-Seeing my eldest niece actually licking the flavoring out of the popcorn package (I scrape it out with my nails personally, but it is the exact reason I make popcorn some times!).

-Secondary to that, introducing the littles to kettle corn microwave popcorn.  Soooo delicious!

-Getting several impromptu phone calls and texts from great friends throughout the day.

-Secondary to that, loving the fact that my husband signs off every text message conversation with at least one "I love you".

-Thirdly to that, loving the fact that my husband and I, after 7 years, still say I love you at least 10 times a day.  I honestly feel you can't tell people that enough.

Hope everyone else is finding some small joys in these rainy days!

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