Friday 27 May 2011

The Best Friends in the World

Yesterday I read Kelle Hampton's blog "Enjoying the Small Things" (linked here: ) and she posted a sentence along the lines of "it is a special thing to watch your friends loving your babies".  How true it is.

Tyler and I announced our pregnancy officially at 12 weeks in.  Some friends knew before, mainly because we were going to Mexico and they probably would have figured it out pretty quickly since I didn't have my "I'm going to drive" excuse as to why I wasn't drinking.  We told other friends around 10 weeks, just because we were so darn excited.

From that minute on, "Baby Maier" was highly anticipated and often discussed subject.  I received many belly rubs, speculations on gender, and there was even a pretty fierce baby bet going on by the end of it as to the birthday, gender and weight (thanks Crystal!).  I received many facebook messages and texts promising an extra cut if I could encourage Baby Maier to make her appearance starting about 2 weeks before my due date.  My friends never made me feel left out when I couldn't do something with them, and would even modify activities so that I could definitely play or participate.

I assumed that once the baby was actually here a lot of that excitement would eventually wear off and the promises to babysit anytime would fade away in the background.  I was prepared that most people don't want a newborn showing up at a get together.  I understood that I probably wasn't going to get to see my friends as much as I use to.

I started to wonder if I was wrong when we were in the hospital.  We had lots of people come by to visit in the maternity ward of course, and Abby received hundreds of cuddles and kisses (not to mention gifts!).  It was really when we moved up to pediatrics that I started appreciating that my friends might actually be serious.  We had so many people come to keep us company.

 My sister was kind enough to bring all three kids in on numerous occasions so that we could all visit, brought coffees and bagels, and offered us time off from the unit even though that meant she had to leave her own brood at home.

 Cheyenne visited on so many lunch breaks and before and after so many shifts.  I am sure the last thing anyone wants to do is go to work an hour early, or stay late, but there she was faithfully!

My parents were in all the time, bringing flowers, lunches, treats and gifts.  My mom even sent us out to dinner and stayed with Abby when she had to have her IV initiated, because I knew I would be too emotional to watch my tiny little babe be poked. 

Rachel was in so many times, and sat with us for hours on our last day there as we waited for Abby's last Bili test to be done.  Honestly, had she not been there that day, I think we would have gone crazy waiting.  She just patiently sat there, cuddling and loving out baby and even bottling her the formula top up that she needed.

There are so many people who came and supported us, and it just hasn't changed.  I don't know why I am still surprised, but I am.  My friends genuinely love my baby and want to spend time with her.  She even gets invitations to things like Kaley's bridal shower!  It is just such an amazing thing to watch someone unrelated to her want to hold her, cuddle her, and be with her.  I have friends who take her when she is cranky in a restaurant and tell me to deal with it (Ashley, I am talking about you!).  Friends who bottled her countless bottles at shopping malls, hockey rinks, restaurants and coffee shops (Carman, Cheyenne, Niki, Kaella...sound familiar?).  Friends who send me messages that say something like "I miss Abby!  We need to visit soon!" (Kaella, Rachel!).  Friends who spoil her like crazy with random little gifts that just leave me floored that they thought of her (Carman, KAELLA).  Friends who always make a point of telling me to bring Abby with me so that I don't feel like I am dragging her along (Alex, Kaley, Kirby). Friends who travel hours and hours to come visit and are perfectly happy to just sit at home rather than go out (Shan). Friends who cuddle her even though their baby is there too (Brett, Kim, TerriJo).  I even had a Mom at swimming lessons this week who wanted to hold her while I got changed rather than me put her in her carseat.  I could go on and on and name so many more names, but this would end up being the longest paragraph in the history of blogs.

Abrielle serving as our Pebbles in the Flintstones motif

I believe Ash said "Does this bother you watching her cry?"
and when I replied yes, she said "too bad".

I am pretty sure every time my sister sees
Abby she tells her that she missed her and
calls her pretty...and tells her she has Ewok
or Wombat ears.

The point is, I lost a total of 0 friends and have been limited in nothing since Abby was born.  All of my friends have stuck around, kept their words and have warmed my heart over and over again with all the love, care and kisses that they treat my daughter too.  We are both spoiled beyond belief, and I am so grateful for the people in my life!

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